A Lamb is Born

I came home to a new lamb. The ewe had given birth to a single lamb during the previous night. Katie found the lamb this morning and she says it’s a female. Glenda’s not sure. I didn’t pick it up yet.


Last year, we had two lambs and both were black. This year’s lamb is speckled, but mostly white with a black head, like the ram. She looks a bit bigger than the either of the lambs from last year.

Beautiful and wondrous!

Bags of Wool

I was happy to have wool from my sheep used in the needle felting projects at the table organized by Mary Macaulay and friends. She wrote me several weeks before Maker Faire asking if I had any wool. I did. Yes, sir.

I had the wool shipped with our other stuff to Austin, which arrived Monday before the Faire. Mary picked up the two bags and took them to Texas Fiber Mill where Deborah Sharp cleaned and picked the wool.

Here’s the wool being used in Mary’s space.


Mary wrote me after the Faire. Her note makes proud on a number of levels.

We felt really good about our booth, and were most happy to receive an Editor’s Choice Award. There were many appreciative felters thanks to you. It was an awesome educational experience, and fun for the Makers.

I got a little accounting from Deborah Sharp if you are interested. The white wool weighed in at 7.4 lbs. and 5.0 lbs. after washing and picking. The cost was $51.80, which she donated. The brown wool weighed 7.8 lbs and 4.9 lbs. after washing and picking. The cost was $54.60. She too helped us out immensely with these donations of processing.

We could never have done this without your contribution.

Thanks to Mary and Deborah for their great work.

Day Old Lambs

Last night was cold and stormy, with maybe a little hail, all of which made me wonder how the lambs were doing out in the shed.

By morning, the rain had stopped. First thing, Glenda checked the lambs and they were doing just fine. Milo brought new straw bedding, which they seemed to enjoy. I spotted the two lambs together for the first time. They are very small, huddled in a corner of the shed.

In the afternoon, I let the mother out a bit to get some of the sun. Once the mother went out, the lambs followed her right away. They were both wanting to feed and I saw them feeding at the same time, which is good. From what I’ve read, there’s a worry that the mother would choose one over the other.


Opening New Pasture

We opened a new pasture at the end of the year for grazing. Our four sheep and steer have clipped the grass pretty close in two smaller pastures, and it was time to get them more area to graze. We had to put a new fence to enclose this larger field and open it for them.


A five-foot high perimeter fencing was already in place. Llamas were raised on this land by the previous owner. The new fencing was mainly intended to keep dogs out.
